My grandfather and I were both Virgos. When I would visit him, part of our morning ritual, along with our traditional breakfast of Grapenuts and toast with homemade jam, was reading our sun sign horoscopes in the paper. It wasn't too long before I was captivated by anything and everything astrological. In college my astrological education took an exciting turn when I met a beloved mentor and soon to be lifelong friend who opened up incredible doorways into the unlimited world of the stars and planets above and the flowers and plants below.

Grapenuts and homemade berry jam…

Hi, I’m Fern-Welcome to my corner of the internet! Evolutionary Astrology, plant medicine and tarot are some of the tools I’ve used over the last thirty years to share the mystery and magic of the earth and sky with my clients. As a Virgo Sun sign, Aquarius Moon and Libra rising with Venus in Cancer (the ruler of my chart) in my 10th house, I thrive on watching the alchemy of astrology and plants bring healing, magic, beauty and love into my client's lives. If you have questions about astrological compatibility-my Venus ruled chart loves helping you find answers.

Meanwhile my Mercury (planet of communication), Pluto (planet of transformation, depth and intensity), South Node (karmic past) and Uranus (planet of diversity, astrology and technology) stellium (a grouping of planets), in the 12th house have gifted me with a photographic memory for astrology: more than likely, once I’ve seen your chart, I will remember it like a picture in my brain. This stellium also brought me a congenital hearing loss, so I depend on technology (ruled by Uranus): hearing aids, closed captioning phone and text messages to help aid my communication with hearing folks. I am fortunate to be able to hear enough to enjoy music, dance and conversations with my hearing friends, but also grateful for living in an age where I have assistance from the Uranian realm.

I believe in fate and free will. Some experiences in our life are fated, like my hearing loss. But how we respond to our fate is up to us.  Which brings me to the free will part of my astrological philosophy: I think that one of our most important human rights is our free will. Our free will allows us to get creative, our free will is where our power lies, and our free will, combined with the insight of the stars and planets, can help us to create a life that is rich and meaningful.

I'm not a fortune teller or a psychic with a neon sign. I believe you have the ability to shape your future. I can help you craft a new story, with new possibilities for how you might approach your fate. I can point out potentials and new pathways you might not have imagined for yourself before. I know, because I've lived it, that you don't have to be at the mercy of your fate, you don't need to bow down to anyone else's story of who you are or should be. You have the power to create your own story.

My Professional Bio

I have been a consulting astrologer for over 25 years, (since my Saturn Return) working 1:1 with clients and facilitating workshops and classes in a variety of settings all over the United States.

I’ve benefited from the astrological wisdom of Steven Forrestthrough his Evolutionary Astrology apprenticeship program and am a Steven Forrest “Master Astrologer”. I am on the staff of Steven’s online astrology school Forrest Center for Evolutionary Astrology .

My path was also shaped by the mentorship of artist, astrologer and all around wise woman, Asata Gabriel, who taught me over the course of 25 years about astrology, intuition, technology, plant medicine and so much more.

I have received advanced training and degrees in many modalities of healing including: acupressure, reiki/energy healing, flower essences and massage. My advanced certification as an herbalist from the California School of Herbal Studies is also an important part of my astrological practice.

I am currently doing a mentorship with medical astrologer Kira Sutherland as the healing power of astrology continues to fascinate me!

You can read my writing about astrology, wellness and more in The Mountain Astrologer, The Llewellyn Books Annuals, Well Being Magazine and Healing Lifestyles and Spas . I have been interviewed twice on the Shift Network's Ancestral Healing Summit and specialize in Ancestral Astrology work.

I have been a teacher for all ages and hold an M.A. from the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies at Sonoma State University (independent focus in Ecopsychology studying with Mary Gomes and Francisco Vazquez) and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University . I am a member of OPA, the Organization of Professional Astrologers.

One of my most wonderful co-creations is the Fool’s Journey Retreat, a magical tarot based restful and rejuvenating retreat.

Get in Touch.

If you’re looking to book a consultation or class click HERE, for collaboration inquiries or other questions, you can contact me using the form on this page.

Thank you again for your reading. Your sessions always feel very good, validating and also hopeful and with insight I can use. I feel more centered today. Thank you!
— Laia Pedreno Mateu, MFCC
I want to tell you what a joy it has been taking this class from you. I’ve started studying Astrology several times, but never really got past the initial information. Looking at transits last week was a breakthrough. You got me farther than I ever expected to be and I’m so grateful.
— Jessica Strange