New Moon in Capricorn

As an astrologer, I take my responsibility to the cosmos seriously.

Both in my personal and professional life, I believe it is important to pay attention to the planetary cycles and plan accordingly. 

But sometimes taking my own advice is challenging…

Take the beginning of 2024 for example.

I knew months ahead of time that the Gregorian Calendar New Year started on a dark moon, with Mercury newly direct and in it’s “post retro shade phase” until 1/20.

I knew that it would be a couple weeks into the New Year before life started to move forward. But I have to admit I was feeling impatient and irritable until I turned my Virgo gaze towards the reorganization of my pantry-which helped me refocus my energy and bring it into physical form.

My out of bounds Mars in Sagittarius still wanted some action though-so on tracking the first sign of  cosmic “quickening”, I identified the New Moon in Capricorn that takes place on December 11th at 3:57am PST/6:57am EDT. (TOMORROW!)

You may know already that a New Moon is a chance for a reset, a new beginning, a fresh start. 

The 2024 New Moon in Capricorn features a conjunction to Pluto in its final days of Capricorn and a trine to Uranus in Taurus. Of most interest to me though, as an evolutionary astrologer, is the almost exact square to the Nodal Axis of spiritual growth and evolution. (At 20 degrees ARIES/LIBRA for all the astro nerds like me reading this).

There is support now for life to begin to emerge from the darkness, for birth to follow death. No matter what age we are in earth years, we are being asked to create a vision for ourselves as ELDERS at this lunation. This is prime time for manifestation-especially of long term, purpose oriented, sustainable, integrity driven dreams, projects and plans.

Bring your awareness to any systems, structures, plans and ambitions that have gone through “Pluto’s Program” over the last years. What has died, been destroyed, restructured or transformed? 

The New Moon in Capricorn signifies that there are going to soon be opportunities for renewal and growth in the area of your life represented by the planets and house (s) where you have 20 degrees of Capricorn.
*If you don’t already have a copy of your birth chart-you can get a free copy at and refer to my video “How to Find A House Cusp” to see what house 20 degrees of Capricorn is. Then check out this handout  to learn more about that area of life in your chart.*

Capricorn symbolizes patience, perseverance, fortitude, strategy, sustainability and survival. Get ready to integrate these qualities into the area of your life the New Moon touches.

Also on Friday, 1/12/24 Mars in Capricorn trines ABUNDANCE PLANET Jupiter newly direct in Taurus-this is one of the BEST DAYS OF THE YEAR FOR MANIFESTING!

In honor of this juicy day I’m offering you a special on the Jupiter in Taurus workshop I did last year. Originally priced at $103-I’m offering the replay and all the course materials for just $33. 

This includes:

3-Class Videos (chock full of astro info including Venus Retro/Jupiter in Taurus and Asteroid Goddesses)

1-Asteroid Goddess Abundance Slideshow (Ceres/Juno and Abundantia)

1-Venus Retro Workbook PDF (use for the next Venus retro or go back to last year to understand how the Venus in Leo retro impacted you)

1-Venus retro article

1-Jupiter in Taurus timeline

1-Jupiter in Taurus journal prompts

3-Tarot card pulls-1 for each class helping you integrate the information via your subconscious mind. 


February 2024


January-Cosmic Snapshot