Why This Full Moon in Leo is Different from All the Rest
Full Moon in Leo-February 5, 2023
Every Full Moon offers us an opportunity: a moment in time where we can pause, reflect and release the past.
A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are exactly opposite each other, 180 degrees apart, looking at each other from across the sky. The astrological signs that the Sun and Moon are in reveal clues in the cosmic mystery, allowing us more insight and awareness into two opposing areas of our lives.
Sunday’s lunation draws our attention to the signs of Leo and Aquarius.
Both are Fixed signs, one air (Aquarius), one fire (Leo). Aquarius is a sign that we have collectively been learning deep lessons about, as Saturn is near the end of its 2 and ½ year cycle through Aquarius (Saturn enters Pisces on March 8, 2023. We have grown more aware in the last couple of years of the work that needs to be done around: community, technology, innovation, uniqueness, authenticity, freedom, friendships, groups and the future. We have also been learning about themes of: exiles, outcasts, disassociation, mental health, “group think”, extremism and polarization.
As the Leo Moon moves into an exact opposition with the Aquarius Sun, infusing the cool air with a solar burst of fire, we are asked:
Where is your heart, your passion, your flame? What burns so brightly in you it can’t be ignored? What lights you up like a Christmas tree, a firework show, a bright powerful Sun that burns away everything holding you back?
But every year we have a Leo Full Moon in February, so why is this one different from all the rest?
The Leo Full Moon 2023 is exactly squaring the planet Uranus at 15 degrees of Taurus. So this lunation brings some trickster surprises. Since Uranus rules the Sun in Aquarius, we will be feeling the quirky, rebellious, weird, strange and freaky vibes more than ever. There may be jolts and shocks as we strive to find our creative center in a sea of collective change. The around 15 degrees of the fixed signs has been in the spotlight a lot in recent months, as our last eclipse on November 8, 2022 was at 16 degrees of Scorpio/Taurus. You can look back to that time to see what was activated in your life. If you know your chart, look to the houses where the fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio) rules the cusps-these are the areas of your life that are in the spotlight now.
Self-care for the Full Moon:
As always when Uranus and Aquarius are part of the story, nervous system soothing is the way to go
Milky Oats, Lavender, Passionflower, Skullcap, Chamomile, Roses, Blue Butterfly Pea Flowers
Flower Essences:
Pink Yarrow, Sunflower, Corn, Shooting Star
Putting your hands in the earth, walking/exercising in nature, spending time with animals, digital detox, baths, get an astrology reading.