
Synastry Astrology

Over the last month or so I've been supporting students in the @forrestastrology.center as they were learning about the astrology of relationships aka Synastry in Astrospeak.

I've been brushing up on my Synastry skills by re-reading Skymates, the Synastry book written by Steven and Jodie Forrest and taking a look at all kinds of charts. This has been a really fun deep dive for me, as a Libra rising/Venus in the 10th person. I'm all about "only connect" and love the astrology of connection that is synastry.

If you would like to learn more-contact me for a Synastry Reading or one time 1:1 Synastry tutoring session-both are $300 (this is a limited time only offer-not available on the website-dm or email me to book)


December 2023 Astrology Update


Venus Opposing Neptune on November 4th