Where were you October 2005? Eclipse Season Wants to Know…
Talking to the Past on the Solar Eclipse in Libra
In case you haven’t noticed, the eclipse zone has arrived with a vibrant, flowing power.
In between the Pisces Full Moon Eclipse from 9/17 and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra (arriving 10/2), the quality of time and perception has taken on a cosmic sparkle, infused with the magic of release and rebalancing.
There is a spotlight illuminating Mercury (planet of learning/teaching and communication) which is conjunct this New Moon. The focus on perception within relationships is further emphasized by this lunation’s Sabian symbol “a professor peering over his glasses at his students”.
One of the big asks of this last eclipse of 2024 is that we say goodbye to our old perceptions of who we are in relationships. There is a strong emotional component to this process-as a grand water trine (Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces), supports a deep, profound healing of our past.
Mars in Cancer squares the New Moon and Mercury, so there is dynamic tension necessary to do this release work. We may need to move it through our physical body in some way before it can be articulated and communicated out into the world.
Because eclipse degrees repeat every 19 years-it can be helpful to “time travel” exploring what was happening in your life in the Fall of 2005. This type of Astrological Archaeology is one of my favorite astrological tools (I’ve got Venus in Cancer-so I love all kinds of history!).
This eclipse is happening conjunct my Ascendent/Descendent axis, the place of Self/Other. When I got in my astrological time machine for a whirlwind visit backwards, I realized that in the Fall of 2005, I had just adopted my first dog-Sweetie. My relationship with Sweetie transformed my life, opening my heart and healing old hurts. I met my life partner only a year later and welcomed many changes into my life.
What was your life like in October 2005? Do you know where the current Solar Eclipse falls in your chart?
I have just 10 openings for Astrological consultations in October. If one of them is yours and you want an eclipse focused, time traveling readings (or simply a yearly check-in) let me know!
Want to do a self-guided Astrological Archaeology Trip? Let me be your tour guide! Check out my recorded workshop for the Portland School of Astrology that will guide you through the process.
It’s almost that time again: the season of the Ancestors! Dive deep into your own ancestral connection using astrology. I will be offering my on-demand recorded workshop Ancestral Astrology very soon. If you want to be one of the first to know when it launches email me.
Watch an interview I did with the Shift Network about this topic HERE.